

Soviet stamp honouring Manolis Glezos

Manolis Glezos, the 92 year old Syriza MEP – the hero of the Resistance who tore down the swastika from the Acropolis and who spent more than a decade in prison and nearly five years in exile under a succession of right-wing Greek regimes – has apologised to the Greek people for contributing to the ‘illusions that Syriza has fostered.

Writing on the website of the Movement for Active Citizens which he founded he said:

“Renaming the Troika into “Institutions,” the Memorandum of Understanding into “Agreement” and the lenders into “partners,” you do not change the previous situations as in the case renaming “meat” to “fish.”

Of course, you cannot change the vote of the Greek people at the elections of January 25, 2015.

The people voted in favor of what SYRIZA promised: to remove the austerity which is not the only strategy of the oligarchic Germany and the other EU countries, but also the strategy of the Greek oligarchy.

To remove the Memoranda and the Troika, abolish all laws of austerity.

The next day after the elections, we abolish per law the Troika and its consequences.

Now a month has passed and the promises have not turned into practice.

Pity. And pity, again.

On my part, I apoligise to the Greek people because I have contributed to this illusion.

Before it is too late, though, we should react.

First of all, SYRIZA members, friends and supporters at all levels of organizations should decide in extraordinary meetings whether they accept this situation.

Some argue that to reach an agreement, you have to retreat. First: There can be no compromise between the oppressor and oppressed. Between the slave and the occupier the only solution is Freedom.

But even if we accept this absurdity, the concessions already made by the previous pro-austerity governments in terms of unemployment, austerity, poverty, suicides have gone beyond the limits.

Manolis Glezos, Brussels February 22, 2015

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